Do you want some money?">

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

El inicio continua

Este blog se origino como una tarea de curso: aprende a abrirte un blog dijo la profesora, y en consecuencia esto nació, después se me ocurrió la brillante idea de tener mi espacio personal donde escribir cosas cuando me apeteciera, siempre me ha gustado escribir cosas, pero lo deje, la irregularidad se ve a millas que forma parte de mi vida, más aun hoy heme aquí; me vuelvo a hacer la promesa de ser regular o por lo menos solo un poco más que ya seria bastante, aquí estoy de nuevo y espero y aspiro a continuar muchos años más, agradecer públicamente a Gabriel Caballero que me dio ánimos a la hora de retomar este pequeño espacio de intimidad.

The illusion and the brief

 Shortness of time, shortness of happiness; the things we most enjoy themselves are short in our interior, but no mistake is only an illusion; weather word meaning so abstract that renowned scientists question their existence, it is nothing more than a mirage, is our mania for putting a name to everything and that we call time in the same way happiness is not a definition that we can call objective, it can be happy being happy and can be happy to suffer, although it costs a bit understand give us account that all come from the mind when considering human emotions we invent them, it is what has to be rational we leave the simple desire to keep and look for something more, the lion is supposedly happy eating, pairing and sleeping, why to humans animals per is asked more? If we are hungry must be good and share with others, I assure you that no Hyena will share their food with any other, we have created a series of values of goodness and evil,! are superior beings and need to feel superior after all also we are animals and we should show others who inflates most his chest in front of the female, that we cut category of gods "only" semi gods"mixture between the top and the bottom!We invent us lives of gods to the end that everything is more simple, we feel when we sometimes don't want to feel, want to live forever and other both die, is all part of the dilemma of the dual being who we really are, flourishes on the one hand one and other feelings and this leads to doubts that continuously corrode the soul, this leads me to think that the human being is (by taking a word that is so fashionable in the soccer) in construction, we are in a transition process leading to the hope that one day soon we decide we finally we feel, that we want to, and that is what is really important for us, so in summary stop worrying about things that do not exist as the time or if we are happy or not, and simply try to be, or continuing with the duality try to occasionally not be.

Be or not to be that is the question.

